Lezar House
Art events at the forefront of the new creative era.
We open our doors to Art exhibitions of all trends and various types of events integrating a creative dimension with a digital focus.
Event x Galleries
An exhibition hub for galleries aiming at expanding their reach abroad

Event x Brands
A digitally equipped space for launch parties and community events

Event x Artists
A place for solo exhibitions, collaborations and Artist collectives

Event x Community
A venue to gather and melt communities and projects in a capital of Art & tech

Event x Art fair
An ideal venue for satellite exhibitions during international cultural events

The House of today’s Art
Lezar House is a collaborative gallery pioneering the fusion of Art and Technology. Our immersive space acts as a hub of exhibition and events for Art communities or galleries who want to explore the endless potential and diversity of digital Art & creative innovation.
The setup
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Event venue
A gallery designed to host a wide range of Art, Web3, and tech events, providing an inspiring venue for both creative expression and professional gatherings

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An open space for local and global communities to connect with like-minded enthusiasts from the industry while benefiting from ecosystem opportunities

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A multidisciplinary venue for shows and performances, where exhibitions and events serve as a space-time for self-expression and storytelling

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From digital to physical. A distinctive Art space dedicated to exhibiting original creative processes, aiming to bridge the gap between digital creations and physical artworks

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A physical place gathering the right tools to create immersive experiences for visitors, to interact and engage with Artistic projects of all kinds

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An open space for local and global communities to connect with like-minded enthusiasts from the industry while benefiting from ecosystem opportunities
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A multidisciplinary venue for shows and performances, where exhibitions and events serve as a space-time for self-expression and storytelling
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From digital to physical. A distinctive Art space dedicated to exhibiting original creative processes, aiming to bridge the gap between digital creations and physical artworks
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A physical place gathering the right tools to create immersive experiences for visitors, to interact and engage with Artistic projects of all kinds
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A space to raise awareness of new Art forms that use creative technologies to transcend contemporary Art and explore new ways of expression
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